Breathe consciously.
Make each breath go according to what you feel.
Sensitize yourself and do whatever you feel,
that permits you to breathe freely, serenely.
Deepen these breaths more and more,
in such a way that you can reach a rhythm,
along with a depth that makes you feel in you,
be in you.
Communicate that to yourself,
let everything in you, know what you are doing.
In principle, your body,
that it keeps the necessary stillness .
That your entire system, so active, so dynamic,
stabilizes, more so, that which your mind is.
That it can assimilate what you are wanting to do:
take time to breathe in the face of all that you live.
And taking time to breathe means
knowing how to be present in you, knowing how to be in you
and being able to reach all that you still believe,
escapes you.
Little by little,
you go on listening to your silence.
You go on pulsating what is manifested in you.
You go on vibrating in the frequency that you contain.
You go on overcoming spaces, forms that detain you
and you know that each breath,
permits you to reach more.
You maintain yourself there.
Breathing consists of knowing
everything you believe that knowing is in you.
You will say: What do I know? What exists in me that I should know?
How much knowing, exists in me?
Breathe to know that it could be so much!
Could you imagine how much there is to know?
But you should know well,
that when you breathe like this, in reality,
there is so little to know.
It is not that you are diminishing yourself or undervaluing
the nature of what you are,
knowing that the All Is.
But it is when you find yourself once again,
with that of the Nothing,
with that pre-existent, existent,
and even non-existent.
It is when your when your breath wants even to cease.
And you could even do so, without tension,
with no other intention than to reach Nirvana.
The existence in the All.
And that, in that, your non-breath, accompanies you,
because in you there exists a space to be like that,
to be like this.
It is when not even the slightest notion of you exists.
For having known how to be,
for having encountered yourself,
upon knowing how to breathe,
as well as ceasing your breath and expanding yourself in your plenitude
and conjugating yourself in as many times and spaces as possible,
that equally, inhabit you.
Never was anything so perfect.
Never was anything so beautiful.
Never was anything so you.
Never was anything so That.
It is that from where I speak to you today with so much love,
all that Is and is not, is found.
It is the space in which limits do not exist.
And the consciousness of so much memory,
holds no other trace than the Light that exists,
in you, in me, in everyone.
I would have neither form nor manner
to express more to you.
And what could be more remarkable,
we would not even need it,
for having wanted to be in such intimate
such close, such personal, thresholds
in which we always encounter ourselves,
to expand that which we are:
the living consciousness of the Force that destroys,
to be able to create what we are today.
Listen well,
something of you, through your faith in yourself, through your strength,
through your will, through your surrender and through your truth,
has created a form of loving you
that is already part of the eternal, of the immortal.
And I assure you of more,
it is simply your love.
Believe yourself.
Trust in yourself.
Respond to yourself.
Open yourself more.
Express more.
Give more.
Return to your breath,
with courage and firmness.
Give thanks and surrender yourself in light and love,
to what you are today:
a Being that loves ,
a Being that breathes,
a Being that Is.
Om Namaha Shivaya