Continue breathing, deeply and consciously.
Provide yourself with your own relaxed rhythm.
Take full breaths, so as to permeate yourself
with all that which you contain.
You make it present and conscious.

Let each breath play in you,
let it do the sublime and blessed task
of providing you with what you are,
with sufficient devotion towards you.

Breathe in a calm, free manner,
considering yourself and knowing your intention of connection.

This public expression of human conditions
that come closest to some truth,
you find here, where you exist.

I tell you that, being here,
in this endearing, as well as unforgettable city,
you encounter resources that were left behind by so many,
so that you are able to inhabit such sacred spaces,
such as that of your own Being.
And you would have to understand it in this way:
You are, you contain, your own unlimited space,  
more so, when you refer to a memory,
to shelter yourself.

And I tell you this so that you can trust in something
that is found to be living, accessible, visible and livable.
For this reason I invite you today,
to this inner space that we have known to construct,
with what have taught ourselves.

And the invitation is for you to imagine yourself,
you visualize yourself, moreover, in a space, in a place, in a location,
as infinite as Varanasi is.
Knowing that there is so much more,
otherwise invisible.

Think now, if you want to accept the invitation.
Breathe a bit and decide.

I tell you that this resonance, so intimate,
is endless.
Each sound comes from something or someone
that no longer simulates anything else.
That has known to find themselves where they are
and has known to be where they find themselves.

It is for this reason that the city invites one to one’s own encounter.
More so, when souls participate in this resonance.
And there is neither sound, nor noise, nor silence,
that is perceived as foreign.

Let the sound of your breath connect you.

I think that the impulse has led me
to want you to be here, in this returning,
after so long, to confirm,
that everything remains intact.
Each step, either up or down,
that leads to so many sacred venues
and to the most, that river, so sacred,
that passes through you until installing itself in your very fluids
and invites you to the peaceful, deep, constant journey.
And it takes so much.
And it brings so much.

Breathe, because we are in Varanasi.
And the breaths are joined in one breath,
the one that protects us,
because we have known to keep it,
throughout so much internal space-time.
What for?
If you knew how much is recognized,
just by breathing.
And we do so.
What do we contact?
What connection is established?
And listen
it is midnight and bells are still ringing,  
that, without mystery, announce,
they announce to the souls, that they live.
It is music.

One loses count
of how many forms of remembering exist.
Rather, everything reminds.
Everything is remembered. You remember everything.
And more so you remind yourself of you.
Can you imagine a city that has kept everything?
It has kept everything.
And it keeps you.
Just as you have kept it.

Breathe and continue imagining yourself,
doing any of that which you now know
that your Being is and that leads you to the Being.
Some wink, some grimace, some sign,
and even a face of emptiness.  

Let your silence assail you
and permit you to flow in what the Nothing is.
You empty yourself and you contemplate that,
your sense of the quietude,
your sense of the silence
and of the non-existence.

Like this, there where you are and here where I am,
from where I try to communicate with you,
that your force is total, it is complete, it is unique, it is immortal.
And that you breathe just to live that.

I thank you for having dared,
for having proposed to accompany us,
and for knowing of the force that I speak of and that dwells here.
And that I do not need to name. I could not.
In truth, nothing exists that could name it,
more than your living presence,
here, in you, being who you are,
today in me, today in you.

I thank you.
Breathe deeply.
To close the adventure, is so audacious,
but that is how we are, if not, then how?
How do we advance?
How did we get here?
How do we leave?

I thank you.

Om Namaha Shivaya