In principle, focus yourself.
Taking note of what you do, where you are and who you are.
It would be good if you knew,
I mean, what you do, where you are and who you are.
That would help you to breathe better, more wisely.
You will say: How does one breathe wisely?

It would be making the breath commence from within.
That before breathing, physically, mechanically, you already are.
That a condition, a state, preexists in you.
 And that by breathing, just by breathing, you produce something more, in you.

You should have already tried it.
Because the idea is, that it be your breath that produces,
 the substantial and perfect form of being and being present.

It is vital that you produce the breath,
that it be your system and its mechanism,
 and you facilitate the action of taking in what prana is
And that you comprehend that you are the one who produces what occurs.

What occurs is in you,
o, breathe in this way, wisely, serenely.
You simply elaborate with what exists,
part of what you are.

And you breathe to permit that what you are, occurs in you.
Never again exist, live,
allowing that everything that occurs,
should occur in you.

And it is not that you distance, deny or reproach yourself.
It is simpler.
 You breathe so that what should not occur, does not occur.
You breathe for what should occur.

Or does it not happen to you?
That so much occurs that you do not recognize, that embarrasses you,
that saddens you, that disarms you.
And that times you run out of breath,
over some impression, some tearful breakdown, some silencing.

And all of this should lead you to breathe more and better.
 So that all that you want to occur,
occurs in you, in your state, in your Being.

Until all silence, all strength, all joy,
is established as the action that occurs in you, here.
And you know how to remain, to adapt yourself.

And you can surrender in what your life is,
 in what you have made of it and what you will make .
Knowing how to breathe wisely.

So then?
The breath occurs internally,
without anything external.
And the wisest thing occurs:
you know that all that occurs, occurs in you.
Everything. Everyone.

And you remain in your state.
Remain there.
Until you no longer are, until you are no longer.
No wisdom. Nothing.
Only That, which Nothing is.
That already occurred, occurs, and will occur in you.

And you breathe slowly once again,
 with your wisely worked substance,
with your felt state and having felt your state,
of love, of respect, of confidence,
of strength and of compassion.

You breathe considering being here once again,
 being what you are and wanting to be more.
You breathe and thank yourself.
Give thanks.

Om Namaha Shivaya