Continue breathing sedately,
breaths that tranquilize you, that calm the mind
and that do not call her to inopportune reflections,
to occurrent thoughts.
Rather, breathe to quiet yourself.
Let everything be quiet in you.
Make the breaths quiet those circuits,
that have become internal noise,
in the form of anguish, doubt, senselessness,
and that, little by little, you have gone on identifying
by the very way in which they cause you to breathe
with some startling, a greater consumption of your prana.
And you know that you must balance yourself,
to take in what is necessary, as well as release, without wear,
without excess, ponderously, until everything is appeased.
And you find yourself there, in you,
without the limits of space, without possible time.
Breathe. Breathe.
Did you ever believe in hell?
Think about it.
And you could get ahead of yourself saying no.
You believed in it, didn’t you?
And that manner in which you believed in it, obeyed what was experienced.
How many hells have you been through?
Without calling them that, without recognizing them as such,
under that imposed, even implanted stigma.
And of course, one does not speak of a place
nor of a specific space.
And why do we call it that, hell?
Knowing that it blazed, burned, charred, ashes.
You will now know that hell is one’s own and it exists.
And how much better it would be if,
you dismantle the term from where it was inculcated.
But it is a burning, an insane burning.
That appears, that occurs, when one acts badly.
And you will say: What is this badness?
And basically, it is when you ignore yourself,
when you do not dare to learn who you are.
And you enter into a sort of limbo of sensations,
that lead you to act improperly,
that is to say, outside of the Law of Love.
And you fall into your own hell,
anguish, incomprehension, disease, vertigo.
And man knew to call it that,
frighteningly: hell.
Created, produced, from his own fear.
You now know that one believes in what one knows
and there exists a part of you that recognizes that
and recurrently goes. towards that, towards one’s own hells,
contemplated equally within the greater hell,
in which we all inhabit and, that inhabits us.
And that there exist moments in which no evasion,
permits one to situate themselves outside of them, outside of this.
You would not have to appeal to any common place,
interpreted, popularized, by our own selves,
to attack this plan of coexistence that humanity is.
Humanity itself is a hell.
Attend to your breath.
Observe that, despite of the topic,
there is no alternation in you, no fear.
It is as if you were in a familiar passage
and, without resisting yourself, you go on elaborating from what you contain,
what it is, what it would be for you, to recreate that.
The question is,
How much longer do you believe you could live there, like that?
How much burning does it cause you?
How much have you been able to transmute to arrive at the feeling
that you do not want to be there, in any hell?
And that the internal fires do not frighten you,
the flames, nor the very ashes of your very substances.
Observe your breath.
And you go on needing so little.
Do you know why?
Because from having transited them, you have transcended your hells.
From having believed in them so much, they no longer exist.
And only your most refined ashes have remained,
from which you are reborn again and again.
out of your necessity for life.
And that Man who never was ashes,
and that, from Him, a hell was created.
You have to speak to yourself, you have to break your silence.
You have to speak to him, and tell him with all of your love:
I am your ash,
whomever you have been,
wherever you are, whether you exists or not,
whether or not you inhabit, that consciousness,
the one that I inhabited so many times, believing.
I no longer believe in the hell that was.
I have chosen, I have healed, I have transcended.
I praise your consciousness, but I aspire to more.
To the consciousness where hells no longer exist.
And I will be well, I will be in goodness.
I will respond to the good, which is nothing more than loving myself.
Eternal praise to the men of goodness.
To the children of the Being.
I now believe what I am.
Observe your breath and thank yourself.
Thank yourself more.
You have learned to believe.
Believe that.
Om Namaha Shivaya