Continue breathing calmly, peacefully.
Without wanting to produce anything that requires more.
Observe the rhythm and how you know how to maintain it.
And how that dominion, that balance, satisfies you.
I know that you appreciate the manner in which you connect,
what it has cost you and how grateful you are for it.
In these moments,
it would seem that there exists nothing that worries you
and that causes you to desist
from this communion that you have known how to establish in yourself.
You have known how to dominate your demands.
Because, in moments such as this,
you no longer evade your encounter.
Rather, you prepare yourself
to be able to say to yourself in silence, how much you love yourself.
And what that love has permitted you:
more clarity, more confidence, more acceptance
and to neither give up nor yield, before other dominions.
Those that try you and who believe that you do not already know.
Your breath has already freed you from confusion,
from denial, even from conflicts.
You have been preparing yourself so much for moments like this,
in which so many tribulations are seen.
And it is not that you are unaffected, you feel everything,
but you prefer to continue on, to not remain there.
And to know how to continue, is a manner of helping,
of not adding yourself to the devastation,
to the destruction, to the pain.
You feel.
Could you perhaps avoid something?
Would it be in you to avoid it?
And, even if you wanted to, you could not do anything.
And it is not that you resign yourself to the design,
rather, you know that everything operates in perfect order.
Even if you believe that it is about imperfection, not being that.
When man decided to do everything he wanted,
over other men, moreover,
and even over the forces that are everything,
that know all, can do all and do all,
he challenged the constant itself.
And that constant is undetainable.
Pure Order, pure Law.
That is what you contemplate, even if you do not like it.
For this reason, to the extent that you are able,
become in your order.
You will ask yourself: How do I do it?
And you begin here, in this connection
with what your Being, is.
With your commitment to assimilate yourself,
to deal with the reflection.
To purify yourself and to trust, in that all of this activity,
that you perform in yourself, from your strength,
is your contribution, it is your offering of love.
And what could be better, each time it will be more.
More firmness, more comprehension, more surrender, more you.
For this reason, beloved Being:
If you want to be stronger, achieve it.
If you want to be more compassionate, achieve it.
If you want to be more altruistic, do so.
If you want to be more, be more,
more strength, more light.
And always give the other,
an attention from your love.
Ask for his love.
Ask for his love.
Ask for his love.
Contemplate your breath once again.
Contemplate your Being.
Attend to every sensation and expand the sentiment.
Your Being is able, your Being wants to, your Being Is.
Om Namaha Shivaya