That of breathing out of custom
sooner or later leads you to living out of custom.
So breathe deeply,
slowly and consciously, as you are accustomed,
but this time, make this habit into a ritual,
in which your soul lends itself, offers itself,
toward the most just and valued cult:
nourishing your Being.
You should not fear forms, words,
and customs such as this, because they would no longer be customs.
So breathe with new breath,
from a new sensation,
from a conscious attitude
and from a new manner of wanting to breathe.
Could you believe that you have made a custom out of meditation?
And you could not nor should you.
Rather, you have to reflect on each one of these acts,
your most absolute conviction,
that only in this way, meditating in you, for you,
can you undo, unlearn and become unaccustomed.
Becoming unaccustomed to what this life leads you to.
Almost becoming accustomed to everything.
Breathe so that it is not possible.
Breathe so that you do the impossible,
and in doing so, sustain your will,
to consider your proposal of Being.
How much have you advanced?
How much effort have you made?
How much capacity do you contain today,
to refer to yourself in goodness, to act in goodness,
to do good?
Although it is not custom.
It is in this way, that you will do that.
And that from yourself you may,
have the purest force in order to act,
in a world that only asks for that:
your most authentic and opportune action.
Remind yourself that you breathe,
no longer out of custom, now more consciously,
knowing what each breath produces.
And it produces so much!
Continue there.
Breathe without fear.
Breathe in silence.
Contemplate yourself like this.
And you go on remaining, and you go on installing yourself,
in the midst of your own ecstasy.
You will ask yourself: What is it?
And although words could be suggestive to you,
rather it is about a form of quietude,
that has never been able to be identified,
because, just as everything, it has a sort of ambivalence,
between what it produces for you and what it is in reality.
The most important thing
is that it responds to a specific object,
even if is you.
You are there, breathing firmly, consciously, in silence.
You have to propose to maintain a force
that does not yield to all of these customs,
knowing now that you breathe out of faith,
out of trust, to assist yourself, to not give up, to love yourself.
Not even if it is the most sublime human mechanism,
of the most elaborated form of connection with your Being,
it is not a custom, it is the sweetest necessity.
Experience how you are breathing.
What new form have you conceived for yourself?
To give yourself this support within the zone
in which today, there is so much confusion.
Observe how you breathe.
And I am provoked to tell you,
that before that alarm,
-another one of our customs -,
in which they intend to inform us
of a deceleration, of an inconstancy,
of a recession, even, of a detention,
there exists no danger, for those who have already decided,
to rotate at their pace, the one who grants their encounter.
Neither chaos, nor anguish, nor false determinants exist.
We have depredated our Universe in such a way.
Because you do not believe that it is only about
elemental, physical, damage or wear.
There is more, of That intangible, insubstantial, ethereal.
And it is there, when from your strongest conviction,
you accept, you accept, you accept,
that today a custom does not exist, that traps you,
that inhibits you, that tempts you.
You are experiencing the transformation.
That merits all this attention,
all this attraction.
All of this.
So, breathe, less and less out of custom
and more and more, out of your infinite necessity to know how to be.
Beloved Being,
infinite strength,
continue in your constant.
Breathe out of faith in yourself.
May today there be no custom that traps you.
Om Namaha Shivaya