Are you taking a pause?
Or is it a continuance?
So breathe,
slowly, continuously,
and exercising conscientiousness,
an attitude, a manner, of connecting with yourself,
of connecting with everything, of meditating.
Certainly, you could think that it is a pause, not being so.
Rather, you are producing, within, in the midst,
of your continuity, a momentum.
Without establishing any pause.
Rather, you are making conscious use of what you are
and, certainly, of what you do, with what you are.
So, prepare yourself, attend to your Being, attend to your breath.
Connect yourself.
Observe how your breathing is,
how you go on producing that state of quietude,
of stability, of concentration.
What would it be to concentrate oneself, this time, in this case?
To center on yourself, to concentrate on yourself.
What would it be, equally, to concentrate on all of that which you are a part?
And you remain there, you go from there,
you formulate, you conjugate, you center yourself there,
in all that you are.
You breathe slowly,
with the profundity that you require, with the rhythm that you carry.
And you remain in that attitude,
already in that situation so beautifully created by you.
Now with that desire, felt so internally.
And you breathe.
Once you recreate yourself in your manifesto,
that you observe it, that you feel it,
with great simplicity, with ease,
you project it.
Moments such as this, situations such as this,
what they lead to, is that projection.
That holds no greater intention,
than to reach your projection.
To reach you in your projection.
Towards what or towards whom do you project?
And it is when you appeal to the correspondence,
exercised in you, by you.
You correspond to yourself.
It is not that you need, nor seek,
to look, to perceive your projection,
much less to feel it.
And I do not know if there would be a possible term to
to tell you what it is that you do.
But it is to achieve by that connection,
that what you are,
reaches space in the time that you are.
So that the only thing that you know,
you are able, and you want to project,
is the light that you are.
You will say: How could I comprehend that?
Or perhaps, you would arrive to more:
How would I understand it better?
In order to do it, in order to produce it.
And none of that is.
You are already, you already are, you already reach,
the projection that you are.
Moreso, when you propose something like this to yourself,
manifesting yourself in your quietude,
producing your silence,
breathing from your breath,
truly being, that which you are.
That is your pronouncement,
your manifestation, your projection.
You will say: Into what, on what do I project myself?
Into the Nothing.
Or is it that you believe all of this?
Or do you believe that something here would know how, would be able,
to perceive what you are?
It is not that you perceive yourself with arrogance.
It is that what exists,
is barely contained here.
Or do you believe it is?
So breath with the confidence that what you do well,
what you well want and what you well are, gives you.
And it is that not even concentration exists,
nor does self-centeredness.
Everything disappears. And it disappears in you.
You maintain yourself breathing.
You sustain yourself breathing.
and you cover yourself in your breath.
And all that remains is for you to remain,
as much in you as in everything,
with the most minimal breath,
in your maximum encouragement.
That which you have cultivated, you have protected so,
in order to be and to do this and to sustain yourself firmly.
Breath tenuously, slightly.
And you become ecstasiated.
It is what follows, it is what you are,
it is your attainment, to ecstasiate yourself in you.
That is what you produce.
Guess what?
To love all yourself, to love yourself.
To love this.
To love all of this.
To love more.
Breathe knowing how to arrive there.
Breathe until it provokes you again,
to breathe deeply, so deeply, so deeply,
that you permit yourself to return to all of this.
To want to be in all of this.
To love all of this.