Subtly produce your breaths, with relief,
with tranquility and, with your strength.
To breathe well, to breathe in this way, merits strength.
You go on stabilizing and quieting this body,
that also avails itself to this moment.
The idea is always to connect.
And it is that, even your physical body knows and has to connect itself.
You breathe so that your physical apparatus is conditioned
and permits you to access other fields.
As you well know, what resists the most is your mental field,
that so often boils over in its forms of thinking.
But the breath quiets, situates and even displaces itself
to your other fields, moreover invisible,
in which you inhabit, just as you are.
How are you?
Do you even know?
How are you?
How do you assume this contact?
I want to tell you.
It occurred to someone to name me,
“The Mother of the Encounter”
Perhaps thinking, feeling, my encounter,
and at the same time, wanting to establish their encounter.
It is that, in these lives,
we have had so many encounters
and in many cases, reencounters,
and in many others, misencounters.
And I breathe because in some way,
I should have understood, understood myself, understood you,
in what our encounter has been.
That of:
we sought each other, I looked for you, I looked for myself, will always arise.
How? Why? What for?
I will tell you what I know,
which is really little,
and that ends up being a simplicity:
just to love each other.
It was for this that we sought each other, that we found each other.
It is that something happened,
beyond that encounter
and, that has remained proposed
as an experience, that each one defines,
that each one integrates and assumes,
from what they understand of themselves, of all of this.
That is why I breathe so much, with you, without you.
I take strength in this way, that I believe I must provide,
to love you, to love all of this,
despite what occurs today,
in the midst of a world so unfound,
in which no one even wants to find themselves.
And I breathe and I celebrate, that at least
I wanted to, I was able, I should have, found myself in you.
So the one who surrenders,
who praises you, who loves you more, is me.
Understanding what forever Is,
I extend to you what love is:
the infinite encounter with the eternal substance,
of the Being that Is.
Om Namaha Shivaya