Other Universes Await Us

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Continue breathing deeply, calmly, and attune your attention toward yourself.
Play at visualizing yourself in perfect posture and in attitude,
appreciating your intention and that will that sustains you. 

As always, to be like this, in the midst of so much, has its value.
It is about your value..
Although for some, the system, the form, may be virtual,
abstract yourself, bring yourself deep within.
Ultimately, it is all about your breath. 

You will ask yourself, -and I say to those who are subject to the virtual-
How is this transcended?
And, the same goes for everyone.

Our Atman is configured with such perfection,
with such intelligence, with so much sensibility that,
when from a part of yourself, 
you establish a connection, it simply occurs.

Our nature contains so many communicative, perceptive
resources, carefully installed,
but the subtle maneuvering is left to you.
As you already know, the system is activated with your breath.
And, if you advance, unblocking, becoming subtle, you transcend everything,
even this matter.

You will say: What do I connect with, exactly?
It will always be with your Being.

The point is that your Being, in turn,
in what it contains, in what it has experienced, in what it has added,
keeps records, communions, alliances, of our adventures.
And, a good part of them, are from you,
but there are others from That and those,
whom, in a certain manner, you have wanted to love.
Consider then, all that exists and all who have existed.
And you keep something and, in moments like this, you recreate yourself,
you call yourself, you attend to yourself, you hold on, you trust.

You will say: Seeking what?
Seeking yourself.
Knowing that you live in spaces of disagreements,
even with yourself.

 I confess to you that, for me,
all of this always begins with your presence,
that which I esteem and thankful for. 

While you are like this,
the proper thing would be to listen to you, more so if you achieve silence.
If you have known how to clear your thoughts,
tensions, and you know how to maintain yourself in quietude,
encouraging yourself with each breath
and producing moments in which you communicate
in divine grace, with your Being,
finding, in this way, your breath still,
your mind tranquil, your attitude undefinable.

When you know that you control all fear,
because you exist in the extraordinary safekeeping
of your Atman and nothing exists.
And, with what you know you are, you perceive that,
without bothering yourself with any questions,
without responding to yourself with any ideas.
Greater simplicity, greater profundity.

And you become in ecstasy without boasting, 
you maneuver the void with splendor,
beyond any silence,
from which the sound of the principle that Is springs forth.
A loving murmur that fills you, that fills you, that fills you.
So much, that you could stop breathing and nothing happens.
Although that is when the most happens.
Your Being happens.
Try it.

Suspend yourself.
You simulate nothing, it is your gravity.
And the Universes open, those that await us.
Long for that. Long to leave, without returning.

Breathe as though you had much to fill,
because it is about your immensity,
your effort, your valor.

Breathe deeply and coincide here with your space, your time.
Breathe thanking yourself and trusting in that you can always
confront, assume, every present moment,
in which you know you are present, knowing how to be.
Communicate that to yourself.
Thank you for your connection.

Om Namaha Shivaya