Your Love Frightens Away the Fear

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Continue breathing calmly, deeply.
Make each breath conscious
and make your thoughts be installed in the moment,  
in the attitude and in your connection.

Speak to yourself lovingly:
my breath accompanies me, my breath encourages me,
my breath permits me, my breath is my truth, my breath is everything.
I love my breath and me breath loves me.
That is your greatest truth.

It is so important that you observe yourself.
In principle, that you observe what you think or what you believe yourself to think,
what you feel or believe yourself to feel
and all that which brings you closer to you.

A moment like this is so important.
You contain all of your breaths,
just as all of your breaths contain you.
And that, your manner of producing them,
the manner in which you enable your entire system,
to know how to inhabit yourself from your interior.

The question is, what exists in your interior?
And what we have once said:
How internal is your interior?
How deeply have you delved into yourself?
How much have you wanted to know yourself?

Do not begin to panic or become apathetic,
rather, may you always know,
that it is about an achievement.
It is there where you indulge yourself.
Relax, contemplate yourself, inhabit yourself, love yourself. 

You will say: Is it perhaps that I do not contemplate some risk that, even I do not know about?
And in this way, daring myself,
it could be bothersome to me, to encounter, to stumble upon aspects that I neither seek nor want?

It is because that is what it is about.
That is what it is about.
That you free, with such impetus,
a profound and immense journey through yourself,
through all that you are.
Or is it that perhaps that you hardly believe yourself?

May you want, may you know, and may you be able, to delve into yourself.
Be it that what you encounter surprises you, intimidates you, 
but you are you.

It is that, if you do not come to know yourself, you will find little.
And there you go, perceiving yourself, knowing yourself more.
Accumulations of sensations that you must go on leaving,
they are beyond useless.
An avalanche of thoughts, suppositions,
even conclusions, beyond useless.
Not to mention that which could excite you, for what?

Each breath produces, provokes,
quietude, imperturbability, calm,
until you embrace your solitude, so often feared.

There is no discourse.
It is not that you avoid complaints, opinions and anguishes.
It could be that they exist, but not today, here.
Rather, breathe.
Do not be afraid of your simplicity either,
of that achievement of vanishing attitude. 

Your mind yields so that you abandon your thoughts
and your thoughts abandon you.
your breath manages to calm you, to deprogram
and, your love, frightens away the fear.

You have to believe yourself, to be like this, in a moment like this,
in a place like this, at a time like this.
An achievement.

You will say: How long can it last me?
How long can I sustain it?
How much does it cost?
Do not try to answer.

What the achievement is about,
is what you impregnate yourself with,
what you manage to grasp, what you emanate,
what fills your silence
and, how much your Being grows, immensely.
Everything is immense.

And you keep yourself,
and your breath there, on record.
Your own record

We are of an extraordinary nature, even still.
The simulated, the virtualized does not reach us.
We are this awakened and open essence, to the love that Is.
The one that we keep on record, and we activate,
by merit, by task, by will,
out of principle, out of service, out of love.
An achievement.

Believe yourself.
Believe yourself profoundly.

Breathe deeply, reminding yourself of you
and, remembering more, of who you are.
Become present once again,
remember where you are and why.
Now knowing, thank yourself deeply.  

Perfect life.

Om Namaha Shivaya