Continue breathing deeply and serenely.
Appreciate the tone, the frequency, that stabilizes
and breaks the silences that say nothing.
Breathe to your liking, with satisfaction, knowing that it is your greatest nourishment.
Let each breath satisfy you.

In this way, you go on clearing yourself of all hostile thoughts,
of some bad moment in your daily life,
of some misstep, some disagreement
and, of such devastating news.

Breathe calling yourself to your serenity
and, creating your silence, in the face of so many scandals.
Each breath quiets, stills
and, this time, we are going to permit ourselves, a subtle petition
for those souls that break away
behind acts that are so unconscious, so inhuman:
may peace reach them, already gone from here, far away.

It is so fitting to breathe,
to breathe with purpose, with the will
to want to obtain another state, in another space.

Make it so that your breath permits you to open yourself.
You will say, what should I open?
Would it be my mind? Would it be my heart? Would it be my soul?
All of that and more, because there is more.
You are and you contain more.

You will say, open myself for what?
Given that at times, what one wants is to close oneself,
above all, to not suffer.

Because, by opening yourself, you receive more,
more of the Force that Is,
more of that courage that is so urgent, to resist.

In the measure that you open yourself, your breath engages,
it becomes vast, completely vital, and it sustains you.
It sustains you so much, that it suppresses itself, it distances itself,
until it creates what the breath is.
Your divine breath,
that which is, that everything is and that lives for that.

Nothing to contemplate, nothing to think, nothing to feel.
Open and expanded, it is that your Being inhabits the Being, That.
So divine and so vital, like your breath.
Tell me if it is not to believe yourself, to experience what existence is,
and what’s more, to know yourself to be loved.

Do you believe that you trust that it is so?
Do these moments not seem to be the closest to a breath of love?
Your breath.
That, in the midst of so much, you can, and you want to reach your breath
and that it would seem, as well, that nothing else exists.

Suspended breathing, breath sustained and open to love.
And that burning in the chest confirms it for you.
And, from there, pronounce from your silence:
Light and love for all.
Light and love for all.
Light and love for all.

You breathe deeply and you remember that you exist,
you remember that you live and that you are here today, being in you.

You breathe deeply and you share your love. 
You thank yourself and you give thanks to that which all Is.

Breathe more, breathe deeply.

Om Namaha Shivaya