My Pulse Is What I Am

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


I only seek to breathe, nothing more.I encounter my breath, I encounter it and in my breath, I encounter myself.
So I breathe with pleasure, with serenity, with tranquility. I inhale confidence, I exhale fear.
And, in this way, I balance.

So profoundly and serenely, that I feel well.
It is as if nothing existed, as if nothing else mattered to me,
although I know, that it is not so.
Everything exists and I accept everything, just as everything and everyone matters to me.
I breathe knowing that I also matter
and, what matters about my breath,
that sustains me, that maintains me
and that makes me and permits me to be.

If I lose myself, I recover myself by breathing.
My breath calms my mind, that is so attentive.
May she attend to my breath and may my breath attend to her.
Subtle and sublime correspondence.
I enjoy this moment,
without real time, without precise space, without feeling.

From some part of myself,
I know that everything is extended, My Being is extended,
fully, on this, my Planet.
I breathe more, and I know that, in turn, it is extended further,
it dissipates, deconfigures, dematerializes,
until it is only an extension, towards everything.
There is neither containment nor limits, nor any space.

And to know and to think,
that it is my attainment, by way of my breath.
How much, is the breath?
What reach does it contain?
What or who gives it to me?
Who attributes it to me?
Whatever the case, I know that I am grateful for it.
I know that I am grateful for it. I know that I am grateful for it.
Because in this warm expression of myself, I live, I live, I live.

Each breathe is my life.
My whole life.
That which was, is and will be.
It enchants me.
I enchant myself.

At times I say to myself, what am I living?
What is this?
And I breathe.

At times I ask myself, why am I living?
Who am I living for?
Who do I live with?
I breathe.

At times I insist, is this life?
Am I living it?
I breathe.

And at certain times I implore myself, do I hold a purpose?
Do I obey something or someone?
Do I consider my breath?
And I breathe.

I breathe until becoming manifest,
being more than an answer.
More than an enthusiasm or a false enthusiast.
I know myself, I am, a divinely complex being,
eventually resolved, conscious, open, capable.

And I know that the encounter is given with my breath.
And each breath is given with my encounter.
And, the breath, is given to its pulse.
And that pulse, I offer to myself, because I know,
that in truth it is the only thing that I contain, the only thing that is mine.
And that it is, furthermore, what I can give.
My beloved pulse, the one that vibrates to the beat of the entire Universe, from here.

How could one not care for it, appreciate it!
To make it resound and extend, expand,
throughout all that I am, all that I see and that I do not.

My pulse opens me, and I open myself to the pulse.
And the breath follows it, encourages it, provides for it,
until it becomes uncontainable.

That is my manifest, I am that.
Everything else, is ordinary action.

I breath so that my pulse, becomes my pronouncement.
Could it be that I can pronounce love?
Could it be? Could it be?
I want to so much, it is so difficult for me.
But I insist, and I open myself and I reach myself.

I breathe deeply and I mark the day,
I observe it, I make it present, I save it.
I breathe, and I thank myself.
I breathe, and I return.
I breathe and I am here.
I breathe and I want to live.
What I want to live.

Om Namaha Shivaya