These Are Times for One’s Own Faith

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Breathe deeply. Very deeply.
Detecting in this way, any necessity.
But, it would be ideal, for your necessity to be your contact.
And you achieve that like this, breathing serenely and deeply,
attending to that breath, without establishing any dialogue,
although your mind wants to. It is not the time.

Your mind tries to distract you with some question,
some complaint, some request, some mistaken search.

We have become so accustomed to having dialogue with ourselves.
And, even if your manifesto were like that,
you should delve into what you really want to say to yourself, to know of yourself.
All that you inquire about, discovering yourself, knowing yourself,
without realizing that, what you contain, your expression, your manifesto,
could be so far from what you think about yourself, from what you tell yourself,
from what you hear, from what you allow them to say.
It is so much, in reality.
So continue breathing tranquilly.

There exist sophisticated circuits in you, that inhibit and liberate.
And it is through your breathing, that you activate.
They are like very sensitive sensors.
And this thing that you do, that is so profound,
is the ideal mechanism to activate them. 

Do you know what they are profoundly sensitive to?
To your silence.
They decipher it, they esteem it, they attend to it.

And, the mechanism, is nourished by your breathing,
producing in this way, this state,
in which you recognize yourself, as so much more.
You end up turning everything else off, in order to turn yourself on.

It is when you come closest to what really exists: nothing.
We wander through this illusion, so heedlessly.
And you conform! And you play the game.
More so when you think: there is no other choice.

And other forms exist, that are more conscious,
more authentic, more in tune with your Being.

Enjoy the state, do not threaten it by thinking, questioning yourself.
Rather, challenge yourself by releasing, advocating for that silence,
so intimate, so perfect, so conciliatory and healing.
Your silence.
The one that quiets you, that immobilizes you, and, without detaining you, takes you to you.
There is no memory, there is no harassment, there is no complaint.

From this state, project, profile, and direct your sensors.
Make them free.
Your body, in its manifesto, liberates, heals, responds,
to that same Nothing, in which today you know how to situate yourself, to remain, liberating.
That is your intention, to liberate, little by little.
So that this illusion, this reality, is cleared away. 

How much silence!
How immense!
How profound!
Would you be conscious?

With that state, in that state, you must nourish your daily life.
Support, sustain, coincide, refer, alleviate, consider and establish,
your strength, your surrender, your attitude, your trust.

Always make an intimate promise,
because you are in life and it is what you need, nothing more.  

These are times for one’s own faith.
For one’s own encouragement and sustainment
and, to rejoice over it.
Elude the sadness, the discouragement.

Breathe deeply, considering that your state, is perfect,
for you, for your Being, so that what you feel and you believe, you are.
Do not hold back any longer.
Breathe and with all of your breath, thank yourself,
for your blessed sensations, intentions and longing,
to be in you.

Om Namaha Shivaya