Patiently and lovingly balance your breathing.
Take in just enough, what is necessary.
Hold it a bit and exhale calmly. 

You have to take time for yourself.
That internal time, the only one that Is.
Do not allow any thought to disturb you.
Instruct your mind to know, to know, about you
and, about what you are wanting to be like this,
remaining like this.

Attend only to your breathing.
Let it be the breath who disregards the thoughts.
And, if it occurs to you to think , think of breathing, of breathing yourself.
It is in this way that you open a circuit, to establish yourself in you. 

And you go on achieving it.
Wanting to meditate is an achievement.
And meditating, is an attainment, that is so intimate.
In this way you develop your form, your state.

What do you believe you should reach,
in this world of escapes?
In which we would seem to be, equally, trapped.
Although, basically, that should not be your premise.
What or who would be trapping you?

Breathe, because if it is you,
who maintains that pretension,
you would have to dilute, that which, in principle,
could be a sensation.
Surely, it is more.

Do you believe that, perhaps, your body traps you?
It is so substantial, so useful, so perfect.
How would something perfect, seek to trap?

Equally you might think,
that it is your mind that traps you.
If, in a certain way, it is so free, so free, so free.
It contains. Simply that.
A laudable function.

What do you believe then, that it contains for you?
And what would it be?
What are your contents?
Breathe, because it is so much. So, so much.
And, it is. Your mind is capable, very capable,
of knowing how to contain you.
The issue would be the manner.
And, even that condition, depends upon you.
Would it trap you, then?

Perceive it. It is fantastic.
Because, in turn, it perceives you, it elaborates and produces,
it promotes and creates, your state.

What else would you believe?
Does your consciousness perhaps, trap you?
How is it? What is it?
How is it conceived?
What inhabits it?
To what or to whom does it respond?
Is it an instrument?
Does it permit or allow?

If you are consciousness
and, all is consciousness,
how could you believe, that it could trap you?
Being what? Being whom?

Understand well,
the only thing that could be,
not only trapping you, but much more,
is your fear of her.
To neither feel her, nor perceive her, nor believe her. 

You will say, what is it?
I don’t know.
And, it is there, when you become frightened.
Breathe, do not permit it, to the contrary,
Feel yourself to be in Grace, to know yourself so much,
that you do not even manage to feel to think.

What could it be?
Rejoice. That is freedom.
Your body is liberated, your mind is liberated and, you liberate your consciousness. 
And the attainment occurs, the impossible.
It remains.

That is consciousness.
That is your consciousness.
Profound divinity and permanence, expansion, infinity.
And you do not believe it. And you do not believe yourself.
You prefer to evade, to capture yourself, to escape.
Do it then.
But this is, this is you:
a space in His internal time. Nothing more.

You breathe deeply,
without telling yourself much, without telling yourself anything.
You return to this here, this now.
Today, present.
Extend profound gratitude toward yourself. Profound.
As well as a heartfelt commitment to your Being.

Love yourself more, much more,
as much as you are able, as much as you know how, and as much as you want.
A lot.
If it is of any use to you, I love you, too.

Om Namaha Shivaya