You should always feel all of this,
as an invitation. The one that you give yourself.
Begin to breathe more consciously,
deeply, with serenity and, with all of your attention, on you.
A quick scan, an exploration,
of how you are, how you feel,
of what this acceptance has been, before your invitation.
Breathing assures you of your presence
Briefly visualize yourself,
recognize your form, your attitude
and, if you are able, manifest your joy,
upon knowing yourself there, so in you.
It would seem to be so difficult.
Equally, it is hard to dare to be there.
Breathe deeply
and, allow yourself to not notice anything,
nothing bothersome, no evasion.
Simply maintain yourself.
Let your breathing be natural,
firm, constant, reposed,
without allowing any mental alteration,
to modify that conscious, constant breath.
It is how you begin to order, to organize,
all of your interior, leveling, adapting,
your fluids and, all that this prana, goes on touching.
When you breathe, it is as if you touch yourself within.
For this reason, you must be subtle.
And, without the need to feel, you touch so much.
You touch to regulate, more than to control.
to attune, until reaching a harmonious rhythm.
Your rhythm.
And, from so subtle, imperceptible.
Breathe tenuously.
Our system
-the internal and the external-, is so perfect,
that it seeks such a coupling,
with which you can, truly,
abstract yourself, ascend and reach yourself.
Breathe because you will say:
If it is not here, where am I?
Where should I reach myself?
Breathe into this body,
that knows and senses, where you can be.
Where would you believe?
And I know that you know, that you inhabit, and an Atman, inhabits you.
And it is there where you are and where you are present.
And what you feel and what you see here,
is a fabulous projection.
With so many possibilities,
with so much arranged from you, from everything.
And, although at times you would seem or would want not to know it,
it would be better for you to always keep it in mind.
Breathe into that projection and give it radiance.
How do you achieve it?
Beyond this space, this moment, this abstraction,
being more, loving yourself more, healing everything, contemplating yourself
and, acting in goodness for you, for everyone.
You will say,
And what do I do with what bewilders me,
with what I protest, with what I detest?
Do not project it.
You will say more,
What do I do with what I resent?
Breathe because it is present, you are present
and, all that is just simply,
a past projection.
What would you do then, if you do not even forget?
Pull yourself together.
That is to say, put your most healthy present feeling in place.
Because, breathing like this, heals so much.
It is for this reason that you are able to touch yourself.
Breathe everything, that you remember
and, that you have forgotten.
When you breathe, your Atman, breathes all of the Atman.
More so, those that you know or believe yourself to know,
and there, you heal.
Breathe, above all,
because we do not know, how ill we are,
how opaque, how lackluster,
that projection may be.
Breathe, above all,
so that your intention prevails:
to heal and to radiate
and, to thus be able to project that which Is, you are:
the most powerful Manifesto of Light.
Aspire to that, your healthy projection.
Breathe that, your healthy projection.
Breathe more, breathe deeply.
Breathe in joy.
There is always achievement. Always.
Breathe in gratitude,
conceive this moment once again,
become present and, little by little,
go on feeling what your body is and, give thanks.
Always promise yourself,
the just and healthy permanence in you,
of that, your Atman, that is so much, that all Is.
Om Namaha Shivaya