Concentrate on your breath,
seeking to optimize your method of breathing.
Do not accept agitation.
Let no thought intervene there.
We tend to think of someone, of something and it accelerates.
For this reason you must concentrate, and if you think of anything,
let it be your breath.
I am going to breathe.
I am going to deeply feel my breath.
I am going to breathe well.
Breathing like this relieves me.
In each breath, I am.
I am one who is found here, with myself.
I am one who breathes well, for me.
I am one who enjoys each breath.
Breathing like this, encourages me to be.
I observe myself, I visualize myself.
That calms me.
What I observe,
little by little, ceases to worry me and,
I immerse myself in that tranquility
that I go on acquiring and that my breath produces.
My beautiful and beloved breath.
It is as if the breath itself, goes on containing me.
It is because I know, because I feel,
because I perceive, that which breathes me.
Believe it or not,
something tells me that this is my natural state.
This is what I am, a Being in quietude,
in breath, in encounter.
I hold no defenses, I accept my quietude,
Just as I do not respond to any inquietude,
neither physical, nor emotional, nor mental.
I know that my breath, liberates me from all of that.
More than a feeling, it is an attainment
of plenitude, my plenitude.
So I breathe in complete and absolute plenitude.
And, although I feel, above all, that pressure-oppression,
in my very chest, I liberate myself.
I liberate that which Is, which is nothing more,
than the subtlety of my self-love,
that causes me to tremble, that makes me smile,
that causes me to establish exact connections with the invisible.
I ask myself:
Do I even know of the connections that I hold?
With what or with who would they be?
And there would be so many…
In principle, it is with all that elementality that exists
and, that equally, you contain.
Breath in those connections.
Then, you must choose,
what compels you to respond,
from what you know you are
and, from what you know, Is.
And so much exists…
If it is possible for you,
transcend what surround you.
You will ask, equally:
What surrounds me?
You will know what you have assembled, what you need,
who, as well.
Remain there, without retention,
let it be each breath, that liberates you.
And you will say more:
There exist those that I have in mind.
Some are and, others are not.
Because the connection exists,
your breath nourishes it.
And, your breath is encouragement.
And, your breath is love.
And they are there.
Everyone and Everything, is in you.
Or do you not feel it?
For this reason, transcend,
whether it be memories, pronouncements,
encounters, disagreements, attachments.
Continue breathing, allow everything to pass by.
Let everyone pass and, liberate.
Blessed lightness,
until what remains is that, your connection, with your Being.
The more you cultivate it, you purify it, you sustain it,
the more possible it is.
May Everything and everyone, be in you.
So many challenges, so much tension,
so much imprudence, so much lovelessness.
May none of that,
find a connection in you.
Manage your quietude, strengthen your connection,
that which your breath produces
and, that is in you and that you are.
Who is that? Your Being.
I am my beloved Being.
I am my beloved Being.
I am my beloved Being.
Not even the breath exists.
It is total quietude.
Your absolute Being, Your ultimate encounter.
How could you not love yourself?
How could you not love?
Beloved Being, love the Being.
Breathe deeply,
attending once again to that sigh or that exhalation,
so that you become, and you are present here, now,
accepting your time, your present.
Breathe deeply, thanking yourself
and preparing yourself to continue,
from all that your encounter is,
from the strength of your quietude
and, from the goodness, that your love is.
Om Namaha Shivaya