Seek that each breath, gives you serenity.
Breathe deeply, restfully, with tranquility.
It would help you to visualize yourself, just as you manage to see yourself,
just as you manage to imagine yourself, just as you feel.
Play at visualizing yourself, examine yourself from your angles.
Imagine your profile, delineate your silhouette
and, attain a natural but
very conscious expressiveness, relaxing yourself
and breathing pleasantly,
to enjoyment, placidity, trust.
Without clinging to your spatial determinant, situate yourself.
Let your breath situate you,
to find yourself in your position, in your manifestation,
that is so much more, than this body.
Breathe firmly in all of that,
and, let each breath situate you more.
It is nothing more than a mental game,
in the manner that, your mind knows you, it registers you
and, believes it contains you.
Breathe there, in the idea that your mind has of you.
in the position that your mind gives you, breathe.
Each time that you breathe,
the powerful information is that,
not even your mind, could contain you.
You are a Being.
You are a Being.
You are a Being.
A Being who breathes.
An awakened Being, who breathes consciously.
An awakened Being, who breathes consciously
and, who loves himself.
Breathe so that your mind, no longer situates you
and thus you can, expand yourself, diluting yourself, projecting yourself.
Breathe so that it does not reach you.
And that, in the midst of your reach,
you are able to perceive that which exists and that which Is.
Breathe without fear, despite what you know today,
continues to exist.
Breathe in expansion,
just as you are there, just as you are, just as you feel.
Are you conscious of what exists today?
Is it true that it afflicts?
It is like a reality that is so raw,
so relentless, so destructive.
But it is what exists.
Breathe and make it so that your proposal to Be,
is not found in this reality.
And, may you well know, that it is not a matter of evasion,
nor escape and much less, denial.
Rather, empower yourself with your breathing, with your breath,
with your manifesto, with your projection
towards a perfect, necessary space of your own,
in which you can inhabit yourself, in peace,
from all that you are and contain.
Likewise, express yourself
from the energy that you are, in peace.
Not to show or demonstrate anything.
It is your breath, so vital, so conscious, so accepted
and, finally, so real.
Breathe lightly.
Breathe little.
Breathe nothing.
Create a loving instant, that bursts within you.
With such force, even more powerful,
than any nuclear substance.
Contain yourself.
Manage to contain yourself and feel your chest, retaining you.
It is your force. Sustain it.
Remain there.
Suspend yourself there.
Detonate yourself there. Detonate yourself. Detonate yourself.
Would you believe in your force?
Would you believe in your love?
Would you believe in your consciousness?
Your light is nuclear.
Breathe deeply, reconceiving yourself.
Breathe deeply, relocating yourself in your space, in your form,
in your living body, so alive!
And, thank yourself.
And, give thanks.
Breathe deeply.
Om Namaha Shivaya