Without altering that valuable internal rhythm,
connect with your Being.
You will say, what does that connection consist of?
How do I execute it? To what do I appeal?
In principle, settle yourself, resist your form,
the manifesto that permits you to inhabit this plane.
Recognize your form and visualize yourself there,
being that which breathes.
And, what your breath is, travels through circuits.
And it is from those circuits,
that you can access your other forms,
those etheric constructs that your Being projects
and that, by breathing
you make more conscious and more capable,
of establishing connections with your other systems that,
although you do not know it, inhabit you, and that breathe in you.
They travel through your circuits and connect with what you are,
with what you know, you are.
It is there, how you connect, where you connect and,
for which you establish your contact.
You will say, ultimately with what?
What makes contact in me?
With what do I make contact?
Listen well, manifesto of the Being:
all that this Universe emits, is energy,
of such diverse qualities, those energies.
You will say, what is my quality?
If you want, refer back to the revelations.
That form of testifying to what was once
our purest attempt,
of finding a meaning, to what we are, to what we do
and, the “why?” of existence.
From what image and to what likeness?
Which pronouncement and what experiment?
Who began all Genesis?
How much force did the Fire itself require to expel us?
Because to attempt to make contact with your essence,
requires effort, it implies recognition,
as well as an intimate pronouncement,
of what you believe, you feel, your Being is.
Because the contact is, it is present, it operates, it functions, it exists,
as much as you believe it does.
But today, now, you know.
The source of contact, is your Being.
The one who is everything, the one who provides everything,
and, from there, you build your quality. The one you choose.
And permit me to surrender myself before you,
in profound gratitude, for what your contact is, in me.
I thank you.
It is the possibility of creating, of making, more light, more love,
more understanding, more strength, and optimizing the quality
of what we well know, we are.
Trust in your contact.
Om Namaha Shivaya