Continue breathing deeply and serenely.
Establish yourself a conscious, constant rhythm,
that makes you feel good
and, with it go on perceiving your state,
forging that stability, that quietude,
that state of calm,
that only you can produce.
Make a record of what happens to you, without thinking too much.
If something is produced, let it be gratitude, towards you, with you,
because you hold a goodness and you sustain an awakening,
for which you are never again going to want to remain asleep.
Although you feel fatigue, tiredness, somnolence, breathe.
Deepen your breaths as though you wanted to establish plenitude,
knowing well what your breath encompasses, what it is capable of,
of all that it causes you to produce and feel.
Demarcate well, this is not the time for reproach, for anguish.
Mark the date, record the time, that which never existed,
regulate your breath and breathe lightly, so that you do not even notice it.
Announce yourself in silence,
as if you whispered your nominative and, wait.
It is that at every moment, you would have to be ready,
so that, from each of your conduits,
you make contact with that which you are,
with that which you contain, with that which lives, beats, pulsates.
And, with all that which exists and is in you.
Sensing it, perceiving it, registering it,
must be more than routine, and make it Law of love,
in rigor, in commitment, in attention, in willingness.
And you breath lightly.
I mark, essence, that which emits vibration, reflection.
I breathe lightly.
Planet in Grace and in disgrace,
Planet in Light and darkness.
Planet in forms, deformed.
I breathe lightly.
From my existence, I mark this life and I adjust it,
and I perceive it to be extraordinary.
Never before have I awoken like this.
And I open myself to more.
And I yield to more.
And I rise to more.
My conscious Being, breathes.
My conscious Being, vibrates.
My conscious Being, loves.
Nodes of Light, shine for me.
For this, I refine my own contact,
in serenity, in achievement.
I contemplate myself in the void,
feeling nothing, awaiting nothing, asking for nothing.
The silence contemplates me pronouncing my Being,
that says, nothing.
I contemplate myself in the Being,
in which I inhabit, in which I breathe,
and, the one who breathes me, until not even that exists.
I sustain my breath, breathlessly.
I know that I elevate my projection and reach the Being, in me.
I give thanks and breathe deeply.
I breathe deeper until I find myself here once again,
in this, my divine body, my unique present.
Here, like this, everything is so divine, we are all so divine.
I accept the return, I accept the surroundings, I accept everything.
I give thanks.
Om Namaha Shivaya