Absolute quietude, inner communion, closeness.
Deep, serene breathes, remembering nothing. Present moment.
Open inside and closed outside.
Seeking no intention other than this serenity
and, that calm breathing.

You maintain yourself there, wanting to be,
needing it, as well.
The most blessed resource that you contain,
to establish yourself in you, to find yourself in you,
making your breath give you the encouragement and the confidence in you.
There would be nothing to know, nothing to expect, nothing to ask,
so enjoy that necessity for breath,
that will to be and that capacity for quietude.
Concentrate on your breathing,
on how much you take in, how much you retain and how much you expel.
To the exact rhythm of your system.
You do not want to exercise any control, any dominion.
Make yourself of an intimate and complete freedom.

Do not attend to anything else.
If you need to think, let it be something brief, instantaneous, dilutable.
And let it be allowed to flow.
Let it be carried by your breath.

It would be as if you contemplated yourself in that absolute nothing,
in which you see nothing, you do not try to feel anything.
And, you are encouraged by the tone, which also flows.
And, you remain, experiencing the space that you occupy,
that, with each breath, is lightened,
because you are forging levity, by detaching yourself,
from what the thoughts bind to,
given to some other worry,
some state of anxiousness,
some infiltration of misery or pain.

And you breath as if you existed,
and as if you did not, as well.
Comprehending that, you can displace yourself,
upon activating that, your state, of superior consciousness,
in which there does not exist, there is not, a possible habitation.
Do you believe you know how to be good company for yourself?
What do you permit yourself, when you are there, in you?
What part of you do you invite?
Which do you believe is more needing, of a moment like this?
Have you come to know the nature of your parts?
Are they good company?

And you breathe and you detach yourself from all judgement,
every complex, every exaltation.
You value your moment, your comprehension
and, that there is no longer so much negation.

Tell me what other Being, do you know as well as you?
This is a value and, for that, one must have valor.
Breathe maintaining that valor.

You will ask yourself,
how does valor feel?
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Because, the breath itself, is your own valor.
It would seem that more so now, when it has become a risk.

You will say,
if so much space exists, how is it? How should I, breathe?
With valor.
And, above all, in the very act of breathing yourself.

Make that breath be quieted,
brief, imperceptible, mute,
so that everything reaches you and makes you feel, know,
that, in your interior, there is no compressed space.
On the contrary, there exists an expansion, that gives you access
to every possible space and more, the one that inhabits you.
The one that you work on and reserve for you,
to know and want to be, in you,
before the valor that you have acquired, to Be.

Breathe that.
Breathe the valor.
It doesn’t matter how much.
Do not endeavor to measure it and even less to test yourself.
There exists so much, behind that same eagerness.
For that reason, value yourself.
Submerge yourself there.

Breathe your faith.
Breathe your trust.
Breathe your respect.
Breathe your principles.
Calm yourself.

Remain, to not want to be here and just to be,
in the no-time, where the space is the void.

Breathe deeply and thank yourself.
Keep, as always, a humble, personal, intimate promise,
to love your valor, more each day.

Breathe deeply and conscious of the present moment,
in you, in everything.
Feel the space that you occupy now, the immense will to be here.
Become present, recognize the space,
and try, with effort,
to preserve in you, this connection, with your beautiful Being.
If you must speak, may what you pronounce,
be the truth of your Being, to whomever.

Breathe deeply.
Infinite gratitude.

Om Namaha Shivaya