Perform a brief visualization of you, observing yourself.
As well as developing a cover,
a mantle of your own, that contains you.
Breathe deeply, sustaining each breath,
keeping your attention solely on your breathing.
In this way, we calm the mind.
Breathe the tone, assimilate those notes,
that end up being vibrations,
that come so close, that pass through us
and, begin to flow with us, in our interior.
And they regulate, they amplify, they extend, they expand,
equally, our energy field.
It is the breath, that communicates my silence.
It is my silence, that communicates my interior.
What is my interior?
Where is it located?
What does it express?
In principle, it should express nothing.
But that does not happen. Why?
Because we have not wanted to empty ourselves
of so much content that makes us so much noise,
in which we believe are our occupations, responsibilities.
But breathe, because the conduit is there, the conduit is you.
You are your own conduit towards your interior,
towards your silence and, towards the manifesto that you are.
There exist people who do not know well,
for what and why one meditates.
And they do not give up the effort to obtain something.
What would it be?
And you should know by now that when you breathe like this,
you sustain yourself like this, the achievement would be to empty.
Do so by breathing, subtly,
without effort, without anguish, without tension, fully.
And, although it would seem that you obtain nothing,
you obtain yourself, that which you believe you do not know of yourself.
That perhaps frightens you, but you are there, there you are.
A breath that says nothing,
a silence that tells you everything,
and, neither do you retain the moment nor does the moment retain you.
If you knew…
It is a flow, a displacement,
towards that contact, so supreme,
for which you exist and there you are, you breathe yourself.
Do not even ask yourself where you are.
You would not know where and nor would it matter.
Amid so much space…
And you transit and you elevate yourself and you indulge yourself.
And you experience yourself and you love yourself.
What better encounter than that?
Breathe because equally, so many things disturb you!
You want so much!
What would it be for?
If what Is, if what one Is, is this.
Achieve your beloved, perfect instant,
in your only company:
in the Being that Is.
Reduce the breath, abbreviate it,
so that you can contain yourself and, you gain the space,
in which all Is and where nothing exists,
not even you.
Do you remember the pulse that you took?
There it is, you produce it.
And you will say, for what?
Do you believe that it is only for living?
There is so much more!
May you not be won over by indifference,
nor be crushed by the crowds.
Recognize, in your will, the Principle.
Experience the Being, beyond all of this.
Be joyful.
Breathe deeply, breathe freely, return.
There will always be moments such as this.
For now, return.
Maintain that quiet breathing,
until you wish to be here again,
in your seat, in your body, in this present.
Give thanks.
Breathe deeply.
Om Namaha Shivaya