Breathe deeply and patiently.
Have all of the patience, to reach your own sedate rhythm,
that calms you.
You achieve that like this, breathing well, deeply.
And you maintain yourself like this, with all of that serenity,
that brings you to that immobility, although you know,
that so much moves, so much in you, so much outside.
Let that immobility, produce quietude for you
and, reach at the same time, to your thoughts,
for that mind to go on quieting, silencing.
And that, without becoming impatient, it awaits that silence, that is so marvelous.
It is your breath who alleviates,
and does not permit anxiety or pressure.
Nor is it a question of creating expectations.
The formula is so subtle, that which you contain,
and that, you have learned, activated so beautifully,
and that finally produces, produces for you, a moment like this.
Why seek such quietude?
And it is precisely for all that moves,
that destabilizes, that poorly recurs, that hastens.
And, despite the fact that, the environment seems accelerated,
everything has its rhythm, everything keeps its time.
It is for this reason that you need to create your own.
There is no mystery, no false purpose, no exaltation.
It is necessity.
Celebrate yourself, because you have recognized that need
and, you are not ashamed, you do not stop.
How much do you feel your quietude?
How much does your quietude feel you?
And, although you are in quietude, you move,
with the system, within the system, through the system.
And you are reflected in this body,
that, if it knows anything, it is all of that.
All that exists as Law.
So you gravitate, responding to a nucleus,
in principle, in you, that you maneuver, substance with properties,
and, they become a specific gravity.
You perceive all of your mobility, all that it attends to,
all that is expressed and, all that it heals.
Your breath heals you.
Your quietude heals you.
You silence heals you.
All of your will, which is what heals the most.
Your blessed will.
You gravitate in conscious vigil, attending,
responding, trusting.
Other properties of your own consciousness.
Greater formula.
And, you become abstract. Enjoy.
You would have to enjoy so much,
until, the enjoyment itself, disappears,
to become an intimate joy.
Almost imperceptible and, more so, by will.
That is another possible space, in your own consciousness.
In which, equally, exquisite processes emerge.
Imperceptible movements and inexplicable mobilizations.
So much happens, so much happens to you,
that, you do not even need to know.
The knowing, there, is knowing nothing. Nothing
Although it is all from you. All.
There is no possible way to comprehend nothing,
and, you wouldn’t need to.
It is your Ananda.
You will think, does one live that?
No. That lives you.
It is your surrender.
And it is when goodness is expressed, equally in you.
It is correspondence.
Tell me how not to be grateful!
Give infinite thanks.
In all of this, there are pure considerations. Very pure.
Like the Light itself, Love itself, the Being itself.
So do not be discouraged,
neither be diminished, nor falter, nor ever give up.
Breathe deeply, as deeply as you can.
May your breath express you
and, may you express your breath.
Your most sublime expression.
Calm, slow, sensitive breaths.
Become present, breathing deeply,
and, with the acceptance that you remain here,
you are here, each time more conscious, each time more active,
with sentiments of enjoyment and gratitude.
Om Namaha Shivaya